At this time, masks are recommended while inside the Pikes Peak Center and throughout the duration of each Broadway performance. More information regarding the Pikes Peak Center’s safety measures can be found on their website. All health and safety policies are subject to change. Please check the website frequently for the most up-to-date information. We thank you for your cooperation.
Pikes Peak Center recently received El Paso County 5-Star Certification for actively and voluntarily implementing health safety measures for the safe and healthy return of Broadway in Colorado Springs.
This program encourages businesses to implement safety measures beyond what is already required by public health orders and guidelines that will help slow the spread of COVID-19. In doing so, businesses will be able to accelerate their reopening. 5 Star certification reassures employees and customers that businesses are adhering to enhanced guidance. This program is completely voluntary and also serves as an expanding directory of establishments recognized for their efforts to keep their communities safe and open.